
Dear Sirs,

We are planning to attend at The 6th International Conference on Machine Learning and Intelligent Systems (MLIS 2024).
Let's discuss about the technological advances in the field of machine learning and intelligent systems there.

Nov 17 - 20 @Kampar, Perak, Malaysia

Home page - MLIS2024

See you at MLIS 2024!

Oct. 26th-Nov. 2nd @TAMPA, FLORIDA, USA

Dear Sir/Madam,

Thank you for visiting us at 2024 IEEE NSS MIC RTSD.

We presented our various 3D-ICs using elemental technologies such as TSV, stacking, micro bumping, etc.
In addition, our proprietary high-speed, high-precision chip positioning and micro bumping technologies were introduced. 

Of course, we exhibited our 3D-IC Technology with samples at our booth.

If you need any further information, please feel free to contact us.

Best Regards,
Makoto Motoyoshi (CEO)

Oct. 15th-18th @Makuhari Messe, Japan

Dear Sir/Madam, 

Thank you for visiting us at CEATEC 2024.

We exhibited our 3D-IC Technology for the 5G era and AI chips at our booth.
If you need any further information, please feel free to contact us.


Best Regards,

Makoto Motoyoshi (CEO) 

Dear Sirs,

We are planning to exhibit our 3D LSI chip and wafers in the process at Kyushu Semiconductor Industry Exhibition.

We will also introduce the video of our ultra-high speed and high precision CtW stacking technology.

Sept 25-26 @Fukuoka, Japan


 See you at Kyushu Semiconductor Industry Exhibition!

Leti Innovation Daysで東北マイクロテックの元吉が新奇技術の内容を説明する様子。
Leti Innovation Daysのスタッフと東北マイクロテックの元吉が一緒に写真に映っている様子。

2024 Leti Innovation Days
Jun. 25th-27th @Grenoble, France

Dear Sir/Madam,

Thank you for visiting us at 2024 Leti Innovation Days.

We exhibited our new technology. If you need any further information, please feel free to contact us.

This was our first time exhibiting at Leti Innovation Days, and we had a very meaningful time.

We were in an environment where exhibitors can directly develop business with each other in the period, and we were impressed by Leti's policy!

We would also like to thank Ms. Hélène (CEA-Leti), Ms. Kim, and the other Leti members for their thorough support. We would like to exhibit again.

See you again next year!

Makoto Motoyoshi (CEO)

2024 WCSM

Jun. 12th-14th @Budapest, Hungary


Dear Sirs,

Thank you for visiting us at 2024 WCSM.

We presented "Fine Pitch Gold Cylinder Bump Bomding Technology".

If you need any further information, please feel free to contact us.


Best regards,

Makoto Motoyoshi (CEO)

We ran a booth at 2020 NEPCON JAPAN

IMG_1201 (2)(1).jpg

January 15th-17th at Tokyo Big Sight


Dear Sirs,

Thank you for visiting us.

I really appreciate that we had informative and productive discussion with you.

If you need any information, please feel free to contact us.


Thank you for visiting us @ 2019 Semicon Japan


2019 Semicon Japan

Dec.11th-13th @ Tokyo Big Sight Japan


Dear Sirs,

Thank you for visiting us at 2019 SEMICON JAPAN.

If you need any further information, please do not hesitate in contact me.


Thank you for visiting us @ 2019 NSS/MIC, Manchester


Dear Sirs,

Thank you for visiting us at IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium & Medical Imaging Conference , Manchester.

We exhibited and presented our new micro-bump technology.

If you need any further information, please feel free to contact me at "info@t-microtec.com"

Best regards,

Makoto Motoyoshi (CEO)

Thank you for visiting us @ 2018 Semicon Japan


Dec.15, 2018

Dear Sirs,

Thank you for visiting us at 2018 SEMICON JAPAN.

I really appreciated that I had many fruitful discussions with you.

If you need any further imformation, please do not hesitate in contact me at "info@t-microtec.com".

Best regards,

Makoto Motoyoshi (T-Micro/CEO)

Thank you for yourvisiting us @ 2018 NSS/MIC


Nov. 15, 2018  

Dear Sirs,

Thank you for visiting us at IEEE NSS/MIC, Sydney.

We are so glad that you were interested in our 3D integration technology.

If you need any further information, please do not hesitate in contact me at "info@t-microtec.com".   

Best regards,

Makoto Motoyoshi  (T-Micro/CEO) 

Thank you for your visit @CEATEC Japan 2018


T-Micro was participating in CEATEC Japan 2018 

(Sept 16-19 @ Makuhari Messe).


We presented about 3D-IC demo chip / Wafer and 3D-IC manufacturing service and demonstrated the low lost manufacturing technique for mini/micro LED Display.

Thank you for your visiting @ RADECS(Radiation and its Effects on Components & Systems) 2018

Dear Sirs,

Thank you for visiting us at RADECS in Goteborg, Sweden.

We are so glad that you were interested our technologies.

If you need any further information, pleasew feel free to contact us. at info@t-microtec.com

Best regards,

Makoto Motoyoshi (T-Micro/CEO)




T-Micro is the unique and advanced 3D/2.5D IC process and MEMS process-oriented company, originated in Tohoku University.
As an exclusive technical representative of GINTI "Global Integration Initiative" facility, we provide worldwide customers with 3D/ 2.5D/ MEMS full foundry service as well as partial process service by use of a complete line of state-of-the-art 200 and 300mm equipment in a cost-effective and short-TAT way for R/D, prototype, and small volume production.


  1. 数㎜角のチップから12インチウェハレベルの加工が可能で、お客様の3D-ICやMEMSのプロトタイプ試作、部分試作サポート、材料・装置評価用サンプル試作、少量生産をサポートします。
  2. 半導体微細加工技術及びMEMS製造技術をベースにバイオエレクトロニックデバイスの試作をサポートします。
